Nucharin received her Bachelor of Architecture in Industrial Design from the School of Architecture and Design, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi in 2007. After working for two years, she studied Woodworking and Furniture Design at the School for American Crafts, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, in 2009. After mastering her woodworking skills in the US for four years, she relocated back to Bangkok in late June 2013 and established herself as an Artist and Woodworker.
She had her solo exhibitions with Serindia Gallery in 2013 and 2016. She was awarded the Windgate residencies at the Center for Art in Woods in 2016 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Her works have been exhibited in Thailand and internationally, including in RePAPPER, Found-Woodworking project, Creative Expo Taiwan, allTURNatives: From + Spirit, MetaPhysics 2018 Taiwan Woodcarving Southbound Exchange Exhibition, Never Was Normal group exhibition by Grains and Grams and the lasted New Makers curated by Siuli Tan at ATTA gallery.
Nucharin served as a guest instructor for the Industrial Design Fundamental Class at King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (2013), and the Furniture Design Class at Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin(2016-2019). the Architectural Material and Detailed Design Class(2019) and Furniture Design Class at Bangkok University (2017-2019). She is also interested in sharing woodworking knowledge with children and adults both inside and outside the classroom. In her free time, she enjoys practicing Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Boxing, Whale watching, and Spending time in nature.
Artist Statement
My works were inspired by repetitive patterns from nature and manmade objects, driven by an exploration of forms in the creation of each piece. I'm focusing on experimentation with different types of repetition and progressions through different woodworking techniques to create a body of work that shares my feelings, my memories, and my life experiences and conversations with the audience.
Students’ Work
Art & Woodworking related project
Art & Woodworking Commission project
Art & Woodworking collaborative project
Custom woodworking project
Furniture design and Furniture making
Educational project
Part-time teaching
Visiting Artist/Instructor
Woodworking & Furniture making workshop/class, both in group and private
Woodworking Training and Consulting